Ration Card-Aadhaar Link: Now must get the ration card linked to your Aadhaar by this date, otherwise you will not get free ration


The government has now made it mandatory to link the ration card with Aadhaar. If you have not yet linked your ration card with your Aadhaar, get it done soon. However, the government has now extended the last date for linking the ration card with an Aadhaar card.

Now this date of the government has been extended to 30 June 2023. Earlier this date was March 31, 2023. If you do not link the ration card with the Aadhaar card by June 30, 2023, then you will not get the free ration.


Your ration card can be canceled if your Aadhaar number is not linked with the ration card. Because of this, to take advantage of government ration, you have to link the ration card with your Aadhaar through online and offline mode by the prescribed date.