Benefits Of Raw Amla: Consuming raw gooseberry gives these five benefits to the body..


Benefits Of Raw Amla: Amla is a winter super food, eating which strengthens immunity. Amla is in season in the winter season, and it is available in the market in large quantities. Amla is used as a medicine in Ayurveda. It is a citrus fruit which can help in removing bile and phlegm. Many nutrients like vitamins, fibre, folate, antioxidants, phosphorus, iron, carbs, omega 3, magnesium and calcium are found in Amla. People make many types of things like pickles, marmalade and chutney etc. from Amla. But let us tell you that raw gooseberry is better for health. Let us know about the benefits of eating raw gooseberry.


Strengthen the digestive system
Let us tell you that abundant fibre and vitamin C are found in Amla. Do you know that Vitamin C and fibre help in removing problems related to the digestive system? People who have the problem of constipation, regularly consume raw gooseberry on an empty stomach, and then they get rid of the problem of constipation, acidity and stomach cramps.

Clean the blood
Many types of nutrients are found in raw gooseberry. If raw amla is used regularly, it helps in flushing out the toxins from the body. When the toxins are released from the body, it purifies the blood. If you also want to clean your blood, then start consuming raw gooseberry from today itself.

Strengthen bones
To make the bones strong, it is very important to have calcium in the body. Please tell that a sufficient amount of calcium is found in raw gooseberry. Calcium works to strengthen bones and teeth. People who have problems with joint pain in the winter season are advised to consume raw amla on an empty stomach every morning. Amla is also considered a good source of potassium. Potassium is known to be very good for the development of muscles.


Strengthen immunity
Immunity week happens in the winter season. Because of this the risk of getting many types of infections increases. Let us tell you that eating raw amla makes immunity strong and our body is protected from many types of infections. If you also want to strengthen your immunity in the winter season and want to avoid infection, then make raw gooseberry a part of your diet from today itself.