Flight Business Class: Tremendous facilities are available in the business class of flight, most people will not know

Business Class Facilities: If you had travelled by plane, then you must know that there are economy class and business class flight categories in the flight. In business class, tickets are very expensive as compared to Flight Economy Class but do you know that many such tremendous facilities are also available which most people are not aware of?
The business class seat is special
A large number of people travelling on flights come from the middle class and because of this, they are not able to travel in the expensive business class. But, do you know that many facilities are available in business class which are not available in economy class? The biggest difference between business class and economy class is the seat. The economy class has normal seats, while the business class has wide and recliner seats, so that travelling does not feel tiring. The business class seat is so luxurious and comfortable that you can even sleep comfortably by reclining it.
Tremendous facilities are available in business class
Passengers travelling in business class are given a screen in front of the seat for entertainment, through which they can watch videos of their choice. Apart from this, the passengers are given headphones, magazines and a pillow. Apart from this, passengers are also given food and water from time to time. Apart from this, business class passengers are also given preference in check-in, getting off the flight after the end of the journey and luggage collection.