Health Tips: Why Shouldn't You Skip Breakfast? If you know the benefits then you will never miss breakfast..


After fasting all night, our body needs vitamins and minerals first thing in the morning, and skipping breakfast can harm our bodies. This improves metabolism. For breakfast, take a dial rich in protein, fibre and antioxidants.


Blood sugar will be under control
If you have breakfast at the right time, blood sugar breakdown starts, which reduces the risk of complex diseases like diabetes. Try not to eat sweet things for breakfast.

Hunger cravings will increase
When you skip breakfast, the possibility of overeating in lunch increases, which will increase calories. On the other hand, even if you have a light breakfast, your stomach will feel full and you will eat a limited amount of food in the afternoon.

The mood will be better
If you skip breakfast due to some work, then it is very possible that your mood will not be good. In fact, by not having breakfast, the brain function will not work properly, due to which you may get angry soon.

Obesity can increase
For those who try to lose or maintain weight, it is necessary to eat food at regular intervals, if there is more gap between one meal and another, it can lead to obesity, so have breakfast.