Travel: People come to see the boiling water in this river, know the story of Boiling River..
Till now you must have heard about many rivers. But today we will tell you about such a river, after reading about which even you might not be able to believe. The most surprising thing about this river is that its water always boils.
This river is in the Amazon forest, a part of which is attached to Peru. Let us tell you that this river is also called the Boiling River. It is also called a thermal river by scientists. In ancient times it was also called Shanay-Timpishka, which means water boiled by the heat of the sun.
The water of this river boils at 200 degrees Fahrenheit. You will be surprised to know that this temperature is such that even rice can be easily boiled in it. Its water is so hot that if a person falls into it, his death is almost certain.
This mysterious river was discovered by geologist Andre Roujo in the year 2011. The nearest volcano to this river is about 700 kilometres away. Research has been done here by some scientists, in which this volcano has been told as the main reason.
Because of this, there is a high risk of people unaware of the area becoming victims of an accident. Still, some people come here to see this speciality of the Boiling River and to see the unique view of nature.