Aadhaar Card: Can Aadhaar be linked? The Bank account can be cleaned!


PC: tv9marathi

Indians have come to know Aadhaar (Aadhaar card). Without an Aadhaar card, work is not possible in many places. Aadhaar has become the license of identity for Indians. From opening a bank account to entering the stock market, an Aadhaar card is required. Now Aadhaar card is also being demanded along with a birth certificate. It is proof of identity whether it is a job or many places. Aadhaar has become almost mandatory in many areas. It is used in economic matters. Linking a bank account with an Aadhaar card has become mandatory. If an Aadhaar card is not linked, there is a problem in withdrawing money. With the increasing use of Aadhaar in many financial transactions, isn't it a threat? There are many questions in the mind of the citizens whether hackers will not hack the bank account on the basis of an Aadhaar card number and whether someone will clear the amount from the account. What are the answers?

Can an Aadhar account be hacked?

According to ET's report, Anil Rao of Indusseed Bank has given this information. Aadhaar number is now used in many places. It is also linked to the bank account. But this does not mean that it directly reaches the person's bank account. As long as OTP, Biometric, Face ID, or Iris are not used on the scanner device, the customer's account is secure.

According to some media reports, cybercriminals took advantage of this. Fingerprints of people are taken while buying and selling property. On the basis of that, it is being said that some people fraudulently withdrew the amount. This type of disclosure happened in 2022. But no further information was found about it.

How to stop stealing

Cyber ​​criminals' funds, their techniques, their operations, and fraud techniques were studied. How cybercriminals circumvent security is constantly being studied. Some technical updates have been made to this. Safety protocols have been updated. Cyber ​​crooks cannot steal money from your account if the customer does not make any mistake.

Also found a solution for fingerprint

Aadhaar card data includes eyes, Irish, and hand prints of Indians. UIDAI has launched a special in-house artificial intelligence to ensure that these fingerprints are not misused. That's why such forgery gets exposed immediately.

How to update biometric information

According to UIDAI, if you are not using the Aadhaar card then there is an option to lock the Aadhaar card. it can be used. Aadhaar card can be unlocked at the time of use. Therefore it is not misused.