Aadhaar verification: Aadhaar verification is necessary to take advantage of government schemes, know how to verify it

The Aadhaar card is one of the most widely used identity documents in India. These days, it is required for a wide range of services, from getting a SIM card to opening a bank account. It is a unique 12-digit number that serves as proof of identity for all Indian citizens.
If you have an Aadhaar card, it is important to ensure that it is genuine. A fake Aadhaar card can deprive you of government benefits. Hence it is important to verify your Aadhaar card to confirm its authenticity.
To verify your Aadhaar card, you can use the online or offline method. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is responsible for issuing Aadhaar cards and has made available both verification modes.
To verify your Aadhaar card online, simply visit the UIDAI website and go to the "My Aadhaar" section. From there, select "Verify n Aadhaar Number" under "Services". Then, enter your Aadhaar number and captcha, and click on "Verify Aadhaar". If your Aadhaar card is genuine, the website will display "EXISTS". If it is false, an error message will appear instead.
Offline verification of an Aadhaar card is also possible. You can use the QR code scanner to verify the digital signature on the Aadhaar card, or you can authenticate the card through the m-Aadhaar app. These methods are quick and easy and ensure that your Aadhaar card is genuine and will be accepted for any required services.