Are mosquitoes and flies making your life miserable? This viral onion recipe will show you the way out of your house


With the changing weather, if the terror of mosquitoes and flies has increased in your house, then you must try the onion remedy that is viral on social media. This can give you relief from mosquitoes and flies. Let's know, how to drive away mosquitoes and flies?

What Smell Do Mosquitoes Hate: With the changing weather, the menace of insects and spiders increases in the house. Similarly, the menace of mosquitoes and flies has also increased a lot at this time. Mosquitoes have taken away our sleep at night. With this change in weather, the number of mosquitoes has also increased a lot. In such a situation, the risk of spreading viral fever also greatly increases. Mosquitoes bother so much at night that it becomes necessary to use mosquito nets. Many times mosquitoes even enter the mosquito net.

If you are tired of using all the chemicals available in the market but still cannot get rid of mosquitoes, then you can use a viral hack. By spending only 5 rupees, you can get relief from all insects, from mosquitoes to flies. Let's know how to get rid of mosquitoes and flies.

What are the requirements?


  • 1 Onion
  • Mustard oil
  • Kapoor
  • Clove
  • Cotton wick

Mosquito repellent trick

If you are fed up with mosquitoes and flies, then to get rid of them you need an onion. For this, peel the onion and cut its upper part. Hollow it from the middle. You have to cut the onion in such a way that you can use it as a lamp. Make a place to fill oil and other things in it. Now put 1 teaspoon mustard oil in it. Also add 3-4 camphor tablets and cloves on top. Lastly, put a cotton wick in it.

How to repel mosquitoes using onions?

Light the wick in the mixture prepared to drive away mosquitoes with the onion home remedy . Now place it on a steel or porcelain plate in a safe part of the room. As the smoke spreads in the room, all mosquitoes and flies will be forced to run away from the house. If your house is big, you can also place it on a plate and spread its smoke in the entire house.

Get rid of mosquitoes with these methods


  • Place garlic with camphor in a plate and apply it. Its smoke will also drive mosquitoes and flies away from your house.
  • One can also get rid of mosquitoes by drying neem leaves and burning them with camphor and cloves.

Image Credit: Canva


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