Arranged Marriage: While choosing a girl for marriage, definitely ask these 4 questions!


Arranged Marriage Tips: Getting married is a very important decision in life, for this every step should be taken thoughtfully otherwise the whole life can be ruined. When you make plans for marriage, you go to the house of the girl you like and your parents and close relatives are also with you. When the relatives talk to each other, then the boy and the girl are given a chance to talk to each other. In such a situation, what questions should a boy ask a girl, let us tell you.


What should I ask a girl when I talk about marriage?

1. What kind of life partner do you want?

Every person's choice is different and everyone doesn't need to fit into it, for this, definitely ask the girl what kind of person she wants to make her life partner. Usually, girls like mature, caring, educated, and financially independent boys, but sometimes a simple person is their choice. If you get to know her likes and dislikes, then you will understand whether you can become the right partner for her or not.

2. What is your choice?

While talking about the relationship, the boy should get detailed information from the girl about her likes and dislikes. For example, what are her hobbies? This may include watching movies, traveling, wearing clothes of a favorite color, shopping, makeup, cooking, and painting. This will make it easier to decide on marriage.

3. Is it veg or nonveg?

Be it a boy or a girl, you must ask your future life partner whether he/she is vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Because if even one of them has a different choice, life becomes difficult because vegetarian people do not like that the person eating with them at the dining table eats non-vegetarian food. On the other hand, a non-vegetarian person often insists on his/her life partner to become non-vegetarian, which leads to conflict.

4. What is your future planning?

Every person thinks about what kind of life he or she wants to live after marriage. Some girls want to be housewives after marriage, while many girls want to be financially independent while working after marriage. Boys should decide how they want to see their wife in the future, if she fits your choice, then only confirm the relationship with her.