Bihar Police Constable exam will start from tomorrow, note these rules, otherwise you will miss the exam


Bihar Police Constable Exam 2024: Bihar Police Constable Recruitment Exam will start from 7th August and will continue till 28th August. The exam will be held on 7th, 11th, 18th, 21st, 25th and 28th August. A total of 545 centers have been set up in the state for the examination. Let us know which rules the candidates will have to follow at the exam center.

Bihar Police Constable exam will start from 7th August.Image Credit source: getty images

Bihar Police Constable Exam will be conducted from tomorrow, 7th August. The exam will continue till 28th August. The exam will be conducted at 545 centers in 38 district headquarters of the state. The exam will be conducted by Central Selection Board (Constable Recruitment). 17,87,720 candidates have registered to appear in the exam. Let us know what rules the candidates will have to follow at the exam center.

About 2.5 to 3 lakh candidates will appear in the exam every day. The exam will be conducted as per the guidelines issued by the selection board. All the candidates will have to compulsorily follow the issued guidelines at the exam center. The local police is already monitoring the coaching centers, hostels, lodges etc.

The exam will be conducted under CCTV surveillance

The constable recruitment exam will be conducted under the surveillance of CCTV cameras. Jammers have also been installed at the exam centres, which have the capability to jam 5G and Wi-Fi signals. Special types of phones have also been installed to talk to the centre superintendents.

How will you enter the exam centre?

The exam will be conducted from 12 noon to 2 pm. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the centre after 9:30 am and the gate of the centre will be closed at 10:30 am. All the candidates will be checked by the police before entering the examination centre. Entry will be given in the exam hall only after showing the admit card and official identity card.

Video will be made at the examination center

For identification of the candidates, entry will be allowed only with the e-admission card issued by the council and their identity card (Aadhar card, voter ID card etc.). Thumb impressions of both their hands, photo and short video will be made in the examination hall. These will be used for their identification at the same time and for identification in the next stages of selection. So that any kind of fraud can be prevented.

There are restrictions on these

There is a ban on carrying any kind of writing material like pen, pencil etc. to the exam center. Pen will be provided to the candidates along with the question booklet for filling the OMR sheet and other writing work. There is also a ban on carrying any electronic device like mobile phone etc. A total of 21391 constable posts will be filled through this recruitment exam.