Cancer may be a thing of the past that means death, but a new vaccine will prevent the disease 20 years in advance

Today, cancer is considered one of the most dangerous diseases. For many people, cancer means death. This perception is going to change soon. A new cancer vaccine has been made. It will prevent the disease 20 years before it occurs. Oxford University has said that it is developing a new cancer vaccine. It can prevent the disease even before you get infected. It is being developed in collaboration with the pharmaceutical company GSK. This vaccine will target cells in the pre-cancerous stage. This will prevent the disease from ever developing.
"We may now be able to catch undetectable things. This vaccine will stop cancer cells before they even progress to disease," said Professor Sarah Blagden from the University of Oxford, who co-leads the GSK-Oxford Cancer Immuno-Prevention Programme.
"Cancer doesn't come out of nowhere. You think it will take a year or two for it to develop in your body. Now we know that cancer can take up to 20 years to develop. Sometimes even longer. This is called the pre-cancer stage. So the goal of the vaccine is not to vaccinate against cancer, but to vaccinate against the pre-cancerous stage," Blagden said.
How is the vaccine being developed?
Blagden said experts have identified what characteristics pre-cancerous cells have as they transition to cancer. The vaccine is designed to target these pre-cancerous cells. The aim of the vaccine is to prevent the disease before it starts.
Let us tell you that the GSK-Oxford Cancer Immuno-Prevention Program started after GSK and Oxford established the Institute of Molecular and Computational Medicine in 2021 to advance the research and development of new medicines.