Child Care Tips- Constipation can become a matter of concern in children, follow these tips to make strong digestion.


Constipation is a prevalent problem in children, often associated with inadequate water intake. While the problem generally subsides with age, severe cases can cause significant discomfort, even pain and bleeding during bowel movements. Parents play an important role in finding effective solutions to their child's constipation and consulting a doctor is not always an immediate requirement. Today through this article we will tell you how to get rid of constipation in children-

Increase fibre intake:

  • Constipation is often related to insufficient water levels in the body.
  • Including fibre-rich foods in the child's diet can provide relief from constipation.
  • Fruits, beans and whole grains are excellent sources of dietary fibre.
  • Aim to give young children at least 20

Hydration is key:

  • Make sure children suffering from constipation consume adequate amounts of fluids.
  • Fluids with high water content help reduce the risk of constipation.


Promote physical activity:

  • Inactive children may be more likely to suffer from constipation.
  • Regular physical activity not only contributes to overall health but also improves digestive efficiency.
  • Encourage your child to be active to improve his digestion.