Dates Eating Benefits: Dates not only reduce obesity but also stress, see amazing benefits!

PC: Healthline
Whether you want to control the increasing obesity or stay away from diseases by strengthening the immune system, the first thing that comes to your mind is dates. The fibre, calcium, potassium, zinc, vitamin B6, A and K, iron and many antioxidant properties present in dates make it a boon for health. Its regular consumption not only increases metabolism but also provides relief from problems like stress and swelling in the body. Let us know the health benefits of regular consumption of dates and the right way to get it.
These are the benefits of eating dates:
Relief from stress
If a person has some dates in his daily diet then he does not need to take vitamin supplements. Eating dates keeps a person stress-free. To stay stress-free, include some dates as a snack in your diet.
Good for digestion:
If you have digestive problems then consumption of dates can prove to be a boon for you. To make this date remedy, soak some dates in water and eat them. Eating dates daily keeps your digestive system healthy.
Useful for weight loss:
The fibre present in dates helps in controlling weight. According to health experts, eating 4-6 dates for breakfast daily helps in weight loss. You can also take it with green tea in the evening. Its consumption controls the desire to eat junk food.
Helps reduce inflammation
Dates contain many nutrients that fight pain and inflammation. Dates are rich in magnesium which helps the immune system fight inflammation in the body. Remember that if the diet is lacking in magnesium, the immune system will not be able to properly fight inflammation and swelling.
If you are suffering from constipation then consumption of dates can help you. Dates have properties to balance gastrointestinal infections. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, a lack of fibre can cause constipation. But dates are rich in fibre. This reduces the problem of constipation.
To maintain heart health, you can eat a handful of dates throughout the day. The antioxidant properties present in dates help in removing cholesterol from the artery cells. Not only this, but it can also control the hardening of the arteries and filling of plaque in them i.e. atherosclerosis.
Vitamin C, Vitamin D and anti-ageing properties present in dates help in keeping your skin soft and reducing the effects of ageing. Due to this the skin always remains young and glowing.
The right way to eat dates:
Soaking dates removes the tannin/phytic acid present in them. Therefore, it becomes easier to absorb the nutrients present in it. To get the full flavour and nutrition of dates, soak them for 8-10 hours or overnight before eating.