Deadliest Rivers: From crocodiles to cannibals: these are the deadliest rivers in the world

Many rivers flow all over the world and used to be the main source of water at one time. It is still there, but in today's time, many rivers have become so polluted that drinking its water means inviting death itself. You must be aware that the Nile River is considered to be the longest river in the world. Its length is more than 6,600 kilometres, but do you know which are the deadliest rivers in the world, which can even kill you? Let's know about some such rivers... (Symbolic photo: Pixabay)
Cahills Crossing River: This river in Australia is famous only because of crocodiles. A large number of 'water monsters' are found here, who pounce on humans as soon as they see them. Crossing this river is not free from danger, but still, people cross it putting their lives in the palm. A few years ago there was a report, in which it was told that about 120 crocodiles were found over a distance of 4 miles. (Representational photo: Pixabay)
Congo River: This river is also known as the Zaire River. It is the second longest river in Africa and also very dangerous. Going into this river means facing deadly animals like crocodiles, hippos and snakes. Apart from this, a cannibal tribe also lives on one side of the river, which kills and eats humans. (Representational photo: Pixabay)
San Juan River: This river flowing in Argentina is also no less dangerous. Although dangerous creatures like crocodiles or snakes are not found in this river, still it is dangerous and that is because it is one of the main routes of drug smuggling. A common man passing through this river is like putting his life in danger. (Representational photo: Pixabay)
Sitaram River: This river of Indonesia is used for irrigation and fishing, but at the same time, it is also counted among the deadliest rivers in the world, because there is so much dirt in it that it can cause many diseases including cancer. Considered responsible for dangerous diseases. (Photo: Twitter/@MattWalshBlog)