Drink the water of the bark of 'this' tree on an empty stomach in the morning, and problems related to heart blockage will disappear, know the method of consuming it


Arjuna bark works as a panacea for the heart. Using Arjuna bark not only strengthens the heart but also provides many other benefits. Let's know the benefits of Arjuna bark

Herbal Tea For Heart : Cases of heart attack have increased in the last few years. Studies are going on about this in the country and the world. People who exercise and go to the gym have also been seen falling prey to it. Earlier, older people used to suffer from heart diseases, but now even younger people are falling prey to it. Due to bad lifestyle, problems of high cholesterol and high blood pressure are arising which is increasing the risk of heart attack manifold.

In such a situation, keep getting your heart checked from time to time and also use some Ayurvedic and Desi things which will strengthen the heart and reduce the risk of heart related diseases. To make the heart healthy, wake up in the morning and start drinking this Desi tea made from Arjun bark. This can reduce the risk of heart diseases significantly. Let's know the benefits of Arjun bark:

Benefits of Arjuna bark for heart

According to yoga guru Swami Ramdev, Arjuna bark works as a panacea for the heart. Using Arjuna bark not only strengthens the heart but also provides many other benefits. Arjuna bark reduces cholesterol, it keeps high blood pressure normal and also increases the pumping power of the heart.

Yoga gurus say that Arjun bark contains many nutrients and phytochemicals which make it one of the most effective Ayurvedic herbs. Phytochemicals such as flavonoids, tannins, triterpenoids and saponins are found in Arjun bark. Apart from this, many essential compounds such as arjunolic acid, gallic acid, ellagic acid are also found.

 Other benefits of Arjuna bark

Arjuna bark is no less than a medicine. It is not only used to make the heart healthy and strong but it also helps in normalizing blood pressure. Arjuna bark also provides relief in dry skin, phlegm and cough. For this, boil a piece of Arjuna bark in water. Filter this water and throw away the bark. Now drink this water.

Arjun bark powder is also available. Boil it in water along with ginger and basil. Drink this water on an empty stomach in the morning. If you want, you can make Arjun bark tea in the morning and drink it. You can make it tasty by adding liquorice and stevia to it. Apart from this, mix Arjun bark powder with honey and eat it. Arjun bark tablets are also available in Ayurveda