Due to these reasons, the desire for sexual relation decreases in women, know from the doctor

Physical intimacy is as important for women as it is for men. It is completely normal to not feel like having sex sometimes. But, if this happens for a long time, then you should pay attention to it.
Why Women avoid Sex: For women, intimacy is not considered to be very important. However, sexual relations are important for women like men. Sexual relations are important for women not only physically, but also on emotional and mental level. Physical intimacy is as important as emotional connection between any couple. It is considered important not only for reproduction or need, but also for a deep connection with the partner. Having a sexual relationship for a long time also affects our health. If we talk about women, then many times women feel uncomfortable in being intimate. Sometimes not having the desire for sexual relation is absolutely normal. But, if this happens for a long time, then you should pay attention to it. Due to many reasons, the desire to be intimate in women decreases and sometimes ends. What is the reason behind this, let's understand from the doctor. Dr. Aditi Bedi is giving information about this. She is a Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician.
- Many times women avoid sexual intimacy due to mental stress. Due to stress, the stress hormone cortisol increases in the body. Due to this, the level of sexual hormones like estrogen is also affected and the desire to be intimate in women decreases.
- For women, sexual relations are not just physical, but also mental and emotional. In such a situation, if they feel that their partner is not understanding their feelings or is not paying attention to them emotionally, then their desire to be physical starts decreasing.
- Many times male partners do not try to understand the desires or mind of women during intimacy and women are also not able to express their desires openly. This also starts distancing the female from sexual relations.
- Sometimes this can also happen due to some disease or side-effects of medicines.
- Iron deficiency in the body can also be the reason for this. Due to iron deficiency, blood flow to the sexual organs is not proper and this also causes a decrease in libido.
- Lack of sleep also affects the desire to have sexual relations. Lack of sleep can also cause hormonal imbalance in the body.
Instead of considering things related to sexual relations as taboo, it is important to pay attention to them. Correct information related to this is very important.
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