Eye Care: Dirt accumulates in the eyes as soon as you wake up in the morning, so this is not normal! serious infection can also occur


Eye Care Tips: Sleep works to refresh the heart, mind and all parts of the body. If sleep is disturbed then many types of diseases make a home in the body. Hypertension, anxiety, depression, obesity, and diabetes are among these. Sleeping is very important to stay fit. Usually, when we wake up in the morning, dirt i.e. something like mud accumulates on the eyes. Usually, a person washes his face and cleans it or wipes it with his hands. But do you know that the dirt you are cleaning with your hands? At the same time, dirt can be the root of serious infection in the eyes. Let's try to know what harm the dirt accumulated in the eyes does.


What is dirt?
Some people also call the dirt that accumulates in the eyes in the morning the mud of the eyes. It is prepared by a mixture of crusts, mucus, oil released from the skin, and tears coming during sleep. This is an indication that the eyes are completely healthy.

Why does it freeze at night only?
Why does this dirt that accumulates in the eyes accumulate only at night? There is a logic hidden behind this too. Actually, throughout the day, the dirt keeps on getting cleaned by blinking repeatedly and the tears coming. No such process takes place during the night. Due to the working of gravity force, it starts accumulating on the edges of the eyelids only.


But if so, then the problem is serious.
Mud comes out of the eyes. Its colour is white and some cream coloured. But if its colour is changing, then it is an indication of eye disease. The colour of the dirt changes due to bacterial conjunctivitis, any kind of eye infection, allergies or other problems. There is a problem of sticking in the eyes.