Hair Care: Hair will become strong and long in 21 days, just apply this juice to hair regularly!


PC: lokmat.news18

Nowadays, due to our changing food habits, hair does not get nutrition and due to this hair fall has become a common thing. In such a situation, if you try to stop hair fall by using chemical products, then other problems can also start. Therefore, if you want, you can take care of your hair with the help of simple and natural things.

Natural hair does not harm the hair and brings maximum benefits to them. Today, we have come up with a recipe for you that applying on your hair daily for 21 days will improve your hair health rapidly. Also, hair can be thick, strong, and long. Let's know how to make this juice.


Chopped Indian gooseberry

Half a beetroot

A handful of chopped curry leaves


Fresh or dried rosemary leaves


PC: YouTube


Soak coriander in water overnight. Also if you have dry henna herb, soak it overnight along with a teaspoon of coriander. Now make a paste by adding amla, beetroot pieces, curry leaves, coriander or soaked coriander leaves, rosemary leaves, or soaked rosemary water in a mixer bowl. Now keep it in a bowl without straining it. Apply this prepared juice to the roots of the hair. If you want, you can also drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. If you use it continuously for 3 weeks, then your hair fall will stop. Also, hair becomes strong and thick.


PC: Dermstore

Other benefits

According to Healthline, amla is rich in vitamin E. Which helps in cell regeneration when applied to the hair. Also, it can easily fix any kind of problem. Apart from this, it contains iron, phosphorus and vitamin C, and many mineral salts, which are very good for hair. Apart from this, many such elements are present in beetroot, curry leaves, coriander, and henna, which work to cure hair problems immediately.