Health: Calcium deficiency will be complete without drinking milk! Just eat these fertilizers!


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Milk is considered the best source of calcium. Milk is needed to meet the calcium deficiency. Calcium from milk plays an important role in strengthening bones. Along with this, the teeth also remain healthy. There are many of us who hesitate to drink milk since childhood. That's why they lack calcium. Health experts recommend consuming dairy products to make up for calcium deficiency.

Because dairy cheese contains a sufficient amount of calcium and protein, which is considered very beneficial for your bones. But do you know that some foods can also fulfill the calcium deficiency? So let's know about the superfoods that fulfill calcium deficiency and make bones strong.

Calcium-rich foods

Broccoli: Broccoli is a green vegetable, which is rich in calcium and vitamins. 100 grams of broccoli contains 50 milligrams of calcium. Apart from this, if you eat 2 cups of broccoli, then you will get calcium equal to one cup of milk. It is important for bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis. Along with calcium, broccoli also contains other nutrients like magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. These vegetables are very beneficial for both children and adults.


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Soybean: Soybean intake is effective in meeting calcium deficiency. 100 grams of soybean contains 239 milligrams of calcium. If you want, you can also eat soy milk, tofu, soybean oil, and soy chunks, foods made from soybeans. Because calcium is also found in good quantity in it. You can use soya milk instead of regular milk to make a milkshake. Apart from this, soybean is also rich in iron and protein, which are effective in keeping the body healthy.

Raisins: Raisins have the highest calcium content of any grain. This is the reason why ragi is considered one of the healthiest cereals. Regular consumption of this helps in protecting the body from the risk of osteoporosis and strengthening the teeth. 100 grams of raisins

contain 344 milligrams of calcium. Apart from calcium, vitamin D is also found in raisins. Raisins are gluten-free and are also helpful in reducing blood sugar.

Spinach: Nutrient-rich spinach not only fulfills the deficiency of iron in the body but also fulfills the deficiency of calcium. 100 grams of spinach contains 100 milligrams of calcium. Bones are strengthened by their regular intake. If you do not like spinach curry then you can make pakoras and chips. Spinach contains 11 times less sugar than milk. At the same time, spinach has 54 percent fewer calories than milk.

Chana: According to nutritionist Rohit Yadav, gram is also effective in meeting calcium deficiency. Chickpeas are also a good source of vegetarian protein. Therefore it is necessary to include it in the diet. There is about 105 mg of calcium in 100 grams of gram. Apart from this, chickpeas are also rich in iron, copper, folate, and phosphorus.