Health: If there is a continuous cough, it is not necessary that it is TB. Spot the difference with these symptoms right away

Tuberculosis Symptoms: When the coronavirus entered the world, it first attacked the respiratory system of people. People had to deal with problems like colds, coughs, and difficulty in breathing. When the condition became more serious, he had to be given oxygen. Cough is a problem in winter. You must have seen people coughing around. The cough gets cured in two to four days by taking medicine or without medicine. But if it persists then there is a need to be serious. Doctors say that if the cough is more than two weeks then get alerted immediately. This can be an indication of serious illness. But here it is also important to know whether a normal cough cannot last for more than two weeks. In this case, is the cough of TB normal? How to identify?
This causes TB cough
Cough is the primary symptom of TB. It is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. This is known as tuberculosis. In this, the patient's cough does not go away even after taking all kinds of medicines. In such a situation, only TB medicine has to be given after examining the patient.
These symptoms are seen in TB patient
The cough is normal or of TB. It needs to be recognized. Doctors say that the cough of TB patients passes more than two weeks. But his cough does not go away. Although normal patients can also have this type of cough. But apart from this, some other symptoms are seen in TB patients, which are not usually present in patients with normal cough. Blood starts coming in the cough of the TB patient, and fatigue remains. Due to loss of appetite, weight decreases rapidly. Its symptoms are chills, fever and profuse sweating at night.
Get TB treated like this
To eliminate TB from the root, a campaign is being run by the central government. TB medicines are free at government centres, while they are very expensive at private centres. TB patient has to complete the course for 6 months. Depending on the condition of the patient, it can be extended for one to two more months. If in the meantime the patient leaves the medicine, then he becomes multidrug resistant. In this, the medicine has to be given for a long period. If during this time also the patient is negligent in taking the medicine, the situation may worsen. Doctors say that TB patients should not play with life. They should complete the course.