Health Tips- Are your ankles swelling, do not take it lightly, it may lead to heart disease.


Many people mistakenly believe that heart attack and heart failure are the same condition , but they are two separate medical issues. A heart attack is caused by a blood clot in a heart vein , while heart failure can be caused by a variety of causes, including diabetes , high blood pressure, or arrhythmia.

Heart failure manifests in specific symptoms that differ from those of a heart attack. A notable sign of heart failure is swelling of the ankles. When difficulty breathing is accompanied by pain in the legs as well as ankle swelling , it may be a sign of heart failure. These symptoms should not be ignored , yet many people are unaware of these warning signs. Let us know about these symptoms-

Chest tightness: Persistent chest tightness may be a sign of heart failure. If chest discomfort persists and is accompanied by a cough , it may be an alarming sign. If chest tightness is experienced , especially in the morning , it is important to seek immediate medical attention.


Difficulty breathing: Both heart attack and heart failure can cause difficulty breathing. When shortness of breath coincides with chest tightness , it raises the alarm for possible heart failure.

Constant fatigue: Feeling constantly tired can be a sign of a weak heart. If fatigue occurs without exertion and is associated with other symptoms , it is essential to seek medical advice. While fatigue can sometimes be caused by a vitamin or protein deficiency , combined with other symptoms , it may indicate heart problems.