Health Tips- Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause burning and tingling sensation in hands, replenish it in this way


The importance of vitamins and minerals in maintaining good bodily functions cannot be underestimated. These essential nutrients play an important role in body development , strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from various diseases by combating external threats. Among these, Vitamin B12 holds an important place and its deficiency can cause serious health problems. It is important to immediately recognize the symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency , because ignoring these symptoms can cause permanent damage to the body.


Effect of Vitamin B12 Deficiency :

Vitamin B12 , an important nutrient , contributes to the formation of red blood cells , DNA , brain and nerve cell development, and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Its absence in the body can manifest in a variety of ways , such as fatigue , irritability , yellowing of the skin , glossitis (tongue pain) , mouth ulcers , changes in walking patterns , vision problems and even depression. Additionally , vitamin B12 deficiency often leads to a condition called paresthesia , which can cause burning , tingling , itching, or prickling in the hands , feet, and other parts of the body. Paresthesia puts pressure on the nervous system and , if chronic , can lead to nerve damage , which can lead to increased health problems.


Recognizing symptoms and seeking timely treatment:

Medical experts stress the importance of promptly identifying symptoms associated with vitamin B12 deficiency . Burning , tingling , or other symptoms of paresthesia should not be taken lightly , as they may indicate a deficiency. It is important to start treatment immediately as soon as these symptoms are recognized. Failure to do so can cause irreparable damage , affecting a person's overall well-being.


Prevention and Treatment:

Preventing vitamin B12 deficiency includes adding B12 -rich foods to your diet, such as milk , eggs , yogurt , fatty fish and red meat. Additionally , fortified cereals can be a valuable source of this important nutrient. In cases where dietary intake is inadequate or severe deficiency occurs , doctors may recommend B12 supplements or injections .