Health Tips: Do not let children eat these things with milk, it can cause problems

Drinking milk is good for everyone. People of all ages must drink milk. Along with this, you must also give milk to your children. The habit of feeding them both times should be inculcated. But the big thing we are telling you is what should not be mixed in the milk of the children and what should be given.
The thing to note with fruits
When your baby is drinking milk, he should not be allowed to eat sour fruits. As far as possible, do not let the child eat any fruit during milk. Due to this, they may have to face many problems. In this case, be careful while giving milk to children.
If your child consumes or mixes fruits with milk, then these problems can occur.
Nausea Dizziness Feeling nauseous or vomiting
Food poisoning Abdominal pain Gas formation Indigestion or indigestion.