Health Tips: These are the main symptoms of eye flu, which may have to be ignored

Many people have to face the problem of eye flu during summer and rainy season. Eye flu is also known as conjunctivitis. This disease related to the eyes is caused due to a certain type of allergic reaction.
People also have to face this disease due to any kind of infection in the respiratory system or nose-ear, throat. First one eye comes in the grip of this infection.
Today we are going to give you information about the major symptoms of eye flu. Redness and burning in the eyes, continuous watering, itching, stinging, swelling in the eyes and sticky feeling on the eyelids are the main symptoms of eye flu.
The cornea of the eyes can also deteriorate due to this disease. For this reason, on seeing these symptoms, a doctor's advice should be taken immediately. Eye sight can be affected due to this disease.