Health Tips: You should not eat these things with cucumbers, you will not get any benefit


Many people must be telling you the benefits of eating cucumber and you must be following it. But many times you also make some such mistakes due to which the benefits that you get from eating cucumber are not there. In such a situation, today we are telling you what things you should not consume with cucumber.


By the way, we eat cucumber and tomato together in the form of salad, but this is wrong. This is not right in terms of health. Actually, the method of digestion of these two is completely different. That's why they should not be eaten together. Eating these two imbalances the acidic pH in the body which can lead to bloating in your stomach.


Cucumber and radish

If you are eating cucumber and radish together, then it is also not right. People also eat cucumber and radish mixed in salad. While both should not be eaten together. Cucumber contains ascorbate, which acts to absorb vitamin C. In such a situation, it can also harm you.