Health Updates: Exercising for too long in summer can worsen your health!


Side Effects of Over Exercising: There are many benefits of exercising, but it also has some disadvantages. In such a situation, if you do physical activity at the wrong time and in the wrong way, then you may also have to face these problems.


There is no doubt that exercise is very beneficial and important for health. But doing too much physical activity can also lead to health problems. One should be very careful while exercising, especially during summer.

According to Mayo Clinic, just 30 minutes of exercise every day is enough to keep a person physically and mentally healthy. In summer, the best time to exercise is after 10 in the morning and 4 in the evening. In such a situation, if you are doing physical activity at the wrong time and for a long time in the summer season, then be careful. Because doing this can cause these health problems mentioned here-


When you exercise in summer, you sweat a lot, which leads to a lack of fluids in the body. In such a situation, if sufficient amounts of fluids are not taken during exercise, then dehydration can occur in the body. Its symptoms include dry mouth, dizziness, etc.

Risk of heat stroke

Excessive exercise also increases the risk of serious illnesses such as heat stroke. Heat stroke occurs when the body temperature cannot be controlled and rises too much. Its symptoms can include high fever, vomiting, fainting and seizures. Heat stroke can also be fatal, so medical help should be sought immediately if symptoms appear.


Due to excessive exercise, the stress-inducing hormone cortisol starts getting released in large amounts in the body. Due to this, the quality of sleep decreases and the problem of insomnia also starts occurring.

Other health problems

Exercising too much in the heat can also increase heart-related problems and kidney-related problems. Apart from this, asthma patients may also face breathing problems due to exercise.

keep these things in mind

Keep drinking water before, during, and after exercise.

Exercise in the morning or evening, when there is less sunlight.

Avoid strenuous exercise and prefer light exercise.

Stop exercising and rest if you feel tired or dizzy.

Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.