Increase your bedtime with garlic, these tricks will change your sleep!

Garlic is not just a spice that enhances the taste of your food, but it can also be a miraculous medicine for your health. Some recent studies have shown that regular consumption of garlic can improve your bed time i.e. the quality and time of sleeping at night. If you want to sleep well at night and feel refreshed in the morning, then including garlic in your diet can prove beneficial for you. According to health experts, many properties of garlic are responsible for this, which not only increase sleep but also help in reducing stress. Let us know how garlic works and how to include it in your daily routine.
A special element called allicin is found in garlic, which is the main basis of its medicinal properties. This element not only reduces inflammation, but also improves blood circulation in the body. When your blood circulation is correct, both the body and the mind feel relaxed, which makes it easier to sleep. Apart from this, the antioxidants present in garlic help in reducing stress. In today's busy life, stress and anxiety are a major reason for insomnia. In such a situation, consuming garlic can be helpful in calming your mind and getting deep sleep.
But the question is how to include garlic in your diet so that you get its full benefits? Health experts say that eating raw garlic is most beneficial. You can chew one or two cloves of garlic on an empty stomach in the morning. If you do not like its strong smell, then mixing it with honey can take care of both taste and health. Making garlic tea and drinking it before sleeping at night is also a great way. For this, boil a clove of garlic in water, add some honey and drink it slowly. This will not only improve sleep but will also strengthen your immunity.
Another easy way to use garlic in food is to add it to vegetables or lentils. Include it in your daily diet by lightly roasting or chopping it. However, overcooking can reduce its properties, so use it gently. If you eat non-veg, you can also try marinating garlic with chicken or fish. This will not only enhance the taste, but will also benefit your health. Keep in mind that do not eat more than two to three cloves of garlic in a day, otherwise you may have a complaint of stomach irritation or gas.
Looking at these benefits of garlic, it would not be wrong to say that it is a precious gift of nature. Good sleep not only makes your day better, but also helps in staying healthy for a long time. If you are suffering from lack of sleep or insomnia, then do not delay in trying garlic. This small change can bring great relief in your life. So the next time you go to the kitchen, do not look at garlic only as a spice, but make it a friend of your health.
Photo Credit: upuklive