Indian Army College: If you want to make your son or daughter an officer in the army, then get them admitted here, this is how you get admission


Indian Army Air Defence College: Parents are worried about the future of their children as to where they should be admitted, where their career will be good. We are going to tell you about one such college, where once... Read more

Indian Army Air Defence College: Every parent is concerned about their children that they should study from a place where their future will be bright. For this, they look for such a college for their children where life gets set immediately after getting admission. If you are also looking for such a college for your children, then this college can be best for you. The college we are going to tell you about is Army Air Defence College (AADC). Those who study from here directly become officers in the army.

Army Air Defence College (AADC)

Army Air Defence College (AADC) is a premier institute for training the Air Defence Corps of the Indian Army. This prestigious college is spread over about 2728 acres at Gopalpur Military Station located in Ganjam district of Odisha. The main objective of establishing this college is to train the personnel of the Air Defence Corps (AAD) of the Indian Army in advanced air defence systems and techniques of anti-aircraft warfare. AADC runs special training programs not only for the Army but also for officers of the Indian Navy and Air Force.

Eligibility for admission in Indian Army Air Defense College

To take admission in Army Air Defense College, candidates must be Indian citizens. Along with this, the age limit should be between 19 years to 25 years. Also, there should be a graduate degree from a recognized university. Apart from this, candidates must be physically and mentally fit.

How to get admission in Indian Army Air Defense College:

To join Army Air Defense College, candidates have to clear the Combined Defense Services (CDS) exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). This exam is conducted twice a year. After clearing this exam, the candidates who clear the CDS exam are called for Service Selection Board (SSB) interview. This process lasts for five days, in which the candidate's leadership skills, mental toughness and physical fitness are tested.


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