Is the body giving these signals? Is there a deficiency of Vitamin D?


Back pain, fatigue, or getting sick frequently? You may be deficient in vitamin D. Know its symptoms, causes, and preventive measures.

Back pain, depression, weakening of bones, fatigue, headache... If any of these problems is bothering you, then there can be many reasons for it. But one of the main reasons can be vitamin D deficiency! Yes, this vitamin D has the power to handle calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the body. It is known by another name, do you know? It is also called 'sun vitamin'. Yes, this sun is the cure for hundreds of diseases that humans suffer from. If the morning and evening sunlight falls on the body, then many problems go away. One of them is vitamin D deficiency. Do you know? Sun rays control the skin, heart, bacteria, cholesterol, blood pressure etc.   

So why is vitamin D important? What happens due to its deficiency? You will get the answers to all these questions here. First of all, as we said, vitamin D deficiency can cause many problems. If less than 20ng/ml of vitamin D is found in your blood, it means that there is a deficiency of vitamin D in your body. Let us know what can happen due to vitamin D deficiency in the body: 

The first problem that comes up is the weakening of the body's immunity. Our body's ability to fight diseases is reduced. Due to this, problems like cold and cough bother us again and again, so vitamin D deficiency can also be a reason. This problem is more common in children. Also, the possibility of falling sick again and again also increases. The second main problem that comes up is shortness of breath, dizziness and fatigue. Frequent headaches. There can be different reasons for this but vitamin D deficiency can also be an important reason. Not only this, this vitamin is also needed to help bones absorb calcium. Therefore, its deficiency can also weaken bones. Doctors say that this problem is more common in women than men. In many cases, especially after middle age, vitamin D deficiency can also be a major cause of depression.  

Another major symptom of this is that wounds on the body do not heal quickly. This is a common symptom in diabetes patients but vitamin D deficiency can also be a reason. Apart from this, there may also be complaints of hair loss and muscle pain. If pregnant women have this problem, it can also affect the health of the child.  

It is said that the only cure for this is the sun. So how to take sunlight? At what time is it beneficial to take sunlight? Let's know.

If you need sunlight, it does not mean that you should go out in the bright sun, it can cause other problems. Mostly sunlight before 8 am and sunlight after 4 pm in the evening is good for the body. But according to a research, 50% of the people do not go out in the sun. Therefore, many types of problems surround them. It is beneficial to stay in the sun for 8-15 minutes a day. People with dark skin need a little more sunlight than those with fair skin. Similarly, staying in the sun for a longer time is beneficial as you age. If you are a non-vegetarian, then Vitamin D is found in abundance in fish and seafood, especially fish like tuna, salmon, shrimp, crab. It is also found in egg yolk. Apart from these, Vitamin D is also found in orange juice, oatmeal, cereals. But still, there is no better medicine than sunlight.