Lara Dutta is suffering from a serious disease called Dry Eye, know its symptoms and how does the actress manage it?

Actress Lara Dutta told that she is suffering from the problem of dry eyes. Talking about this in detail, she told that due to this her daily life has also been affected a lot.
Actress Lara Dutta told that she is suffering from the problem of dry eyes. Talking about this in detail, she told that due to this her daily life has also been affected a lot. She talked in detail about how she is managing this disease. She is associated with an awareness camp to raise awareness about this disease.
How can we prevent dry eye problem?
If the patient does not get treatment on time, the eyes can also get damaged due to dry eye. Let's know what is dry syndrome? Also know how to avoid this disease. Dry eye is a serious disease related to the eyes. This disease occurs when there is a lack of water in the eyes. In this, the eye gradually starts becoming dry. And itching starts in it. Due to change in weather, the tears of the eyes start drying. Due to which there is a complaint of swelling in the eyes. Due to this, the moisture of the eyes starts decreasing. Along with this, due to less moisture and swelling of the eyes, the problem of dry syndrome starts occurring.
Eyes start getting dry
When the heat increases, the eyes start getting dry. Due to this, corneal burn can also occur. Due to this, the vision of the eyes can become blurred. If the treatment is not done on time, the eyes can also get damaged. Dry eye is a condition when the tears of the eyes dry up. It has a serious effect on the cornea. Due to this, there is serious damage to the eyes.
Which people have the problem
Dry eyes often occur when you use your eyes excessively. Mostly these are people who sit in front of the computer for hours. Sitting in front of the computer for hours causes eye pain, cornea and irritation. Also, the eyes start getting red and dry. Dry eye problem can also reduce your vision. And after a time, you may face many difficulties in working. Dry eye problem can happen to people of any age. It can happen to children, old people, anyone who spends a lot of time on the screen or whose lifestyle is not good.
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Source : freepik