Period Flu: What is period flu? Learn about its symptoms seen during menstruation!


Photo Credit: Dr. Jolene Brighten

Do you feel nauseous and dizzy during your period? Let us tell you that this is a common problem faced by women during their periods. This disease is known as period flu. This explains the collection of signs and symptoms that some women get right before their period. Changes in hormone levels during a woman's menstrual cycle are associated with period flu.

Women may feel tired and sore in the hours or days before the start of their period each month. Additionally, periods can make a woman more vulnerable to infections that can cause fever.

Periods experience a range of symptoms including fatigue, body aches, and headaches. There is no medical diagnosis for period flu.


Photo Credit: HealthShots

Period flu symptoms usually appear after ovulation and before your period, although the exact timing of these symptoms can vary from person to person.

Difference between period flu and PMS?

According to the website, Dr. Greaves states that period flu is different from PMS and even other diseases that are associated with periods, such as premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD). However, both experts agree that it is an advanced form of PMS.


Photo Credit: Allure

Period flu symptoms





Joint pain

Muscle aches

Lower back pain

Severe cramps

Tender breasts
