Relationship Tips: If you have broken your partner's heart then you can become trustworthy again...

The foundation of love or married life rests on love, trust and concern for each other. In a relationship, usually, every couple tries that their partner should always be happy. But sometimes such a situation arises that one of the partners in the couple makes the mistake of breaking the trust of the partner. It is not easy to win trust again because the person who has been cheated can be completely broken by this act of yours. Most couples in India stay together even after breaking the trust.
Among those who cheat in love, some try to make the relationship normal again. Are you also one of them? If you have broken your partner's heart, then by adopting these methods, you can become trustworthy again.
Try to talk all the time
After breaking the trust, the conversation stops, but it does not mean that the cheater should not try to talk. If you are facing this situation then try to talk to your partner all the time.
Keep apologizing!
The first effort of the person who has made a mistake should be that he should keep apologizing. To make things normal again in the relationship, it is very important to apologize. It may be that the cheated person is not in a condition to forgive, but you should not stop this effort.
Give time to partner
It is the right decision to give space to the angry person when things go wrong in the relationship. Immediately after coming to know about the cheating, do not expect from the partner why he is not being normal or why he is not trying to understand. Negative behaviour can make things worse between the two of you. Instead, give time to the partner so that he can try to recover.