Sharad Purnima 2023: Why is Kheer offered on Sharad Purnima and why is it compared with nectar?

PC: Hindustan
Sharad Purnima has special significance in the Hindu religion. It is believed that on this day Lord Shri Krishna performed Maha Raas with Radha Rani and Gopis. Sharad Purnima, also known as the full moon of Ashwin month, is falling on October 28 this year. On this day there is a tradition of worshiping Goddess Lakshmi and Moon. It is believed that this brings blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and brings prosperity to the house. The tradition of making and offering kheer on this day has been going on for centuries. But do you know the reason behind this? Why is it considered auspicious to offer Kheer on Sharad Purnima and why is it considered like nectar? Let's find out.
Its importance lies in the belief that on the day of Sharad Purnima, the moon is full of all its 16 phases and it rains nectar. During this time, the moon's rays are considered so powerful that they have the ability to cure various diseases. This is the reason why keeping Kheer in the moonlight is considered auspicious. It is said that kheer becomes like nectar and consuming it provides good health.
PC: Annapurna
Why is Kheer made?
It is believed that on the day of Sharad Purnima, milk associated with the moon becomes like nectar. Therefore, kheer is made from this milk and offered. This year Sharad Purnima is coinciding with a lunar eclipse, due to which there is some confusion among the people regarding offering kheer to the moon.
PC: Webdunia
When to offer Kheer?
The lunar eclipse on October 28 will start at 01:05 a.m. and end at 02:23 a.m. The sutak period (inauspicious time before the eclipse) starts 9 hours before the eclipse. Whereas Sharad Purnima will start at 04:17 a.m. on October 28 and will end at 03:46 a.m. Therefore, Kheer can be offered before the lunar eclipse begins. However, it is important to ensure that the kheer is prepared and basil leaves are added to it before the start of the Sutak period so that it remains pure.