Smartphone Tips: If athe sound of the phone has reduced then adopt these methods, the work will be done in minutes..

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As the smartphone gets older, it starts showing many shortcomings. With time, the battery backup decreases and the performance also starts decreasing. Similarly, sometimes the sound problem in the smartphone also bothers me.


The volume in some people's phones decreases, while in some people's phones, there is no sound at all. In such a situation, the option of getting it repaired remains. However, some methods can be useful in such a situation and can fix the sound of the phone.

How can you increase the volume?
There are many ways to boost the sound of the smartphone. But the easiest way is to install the sound booster or volume booster app from the Play Store and make some settings in them. By doing this, you will find that the sound quality of the smartphone has become better than before.

In these apps, users get the facility to control their voice. They can set it according to their needs. After installing the app, some permissions have to be given and it just starts doing its work.

These methods will come in handy
Cleaning the speaker: If the phone's speaker is not working properly, then there are full chance that dirt may have accumulated in the speaker. In such a situation, you must clean the speaker with the help of a toothbrush. By doing this, the volume will increase to a great extent. If you want, you can also spray lightly on the toothbrush. It is very important to be careful while cleaning the speaker.


Restart the phone: Before getting any defect in the smartphone fixed, every user tries to fix it at his level. In which he first restarts the phone. In such a situation, you have to do the same thing to correct the volume.

Remove the cover: It often happens that a heavy cover is used to keep the smartphone safe. But due to the accumulation of dirt in the cover, the speaker is also affected and the sound becomes low.

When does the problem arise?
This problem usually occurs due to many reasons. For example, if there is a defect in the phone's speaker i.e. hardware, then you will not be able to fix it even with the help of apps. Apart from this, this also happens due to dirt accumulation.

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