Tech Tips: You will not have to pause YouTube videos midway due to WhatsApp, use this setting from today itself...

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Every second user is using Google's popular video-sharing platform YouTube. Many times it happens when we are listening to a good song on YouTube and by then we get a notification of a message on WhatsApp.


In such a situation, the user has to stop the YouTube video and go to WhatsApp. If you also do this then there will be no need to do this from today onwards.

Yes, in this article we are telling you about a small trick only. With the help of this trick, you can enjoy YouTube on your phone for a long time without any problem.

Work will be done without stopping YouTube video
The multitasking feature comes in handy to read WhatsApp messages without pausing the YouTube video and going back.

You can run both apps by splitting your phone screen into two parts. Many users are aware of this feature, but they are not using it.


How to run WhatsApp without backing up YouTube videos
To check WhatsApp messages, you will have to use three fingers without going back to the YouTube screen.
You will have to drop into this half while moving the screen from bottom to top on the display.
By doing this, YouTube will be set on half of the screen.
Half the screen of the phone will come to the home page.
On the home page screen, you can open WhatsApp like a normal screen.
In this way, two apps can be run on one screen.
If you want to run only one app, you can drag that app on the entire screen.
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