Tips to get relief from skin irritation after bleach: - Skin irritation after bleaching, get relief from these tips


In today's time, everyone wants to get everything instantly. Then even if it is about glowing skin. This is probably why we ladies love bleaching so much. Immediately after using bleach, there is an instant glow in the skin and it looks extremely glowing. However, it also has its side effects.

During bleach, your skin comes in contact with chemicals. Because of this the chances of skin irritation increase manifold. You too must have often felt a burning sensation during bleach. But if you feel a burning sensation even after removing the bleach, then it becomes necessary to take extra care of the skin. The post-burn can not only make you feel uncomfortable, but it can also cause itching etc. So, today in this article, we are telling you about some such easy remedies, which can help remove skin irritation after bleach.

Use cold water

If your skin is feeling irritated due to bleach or if you are feeling a burning sensation, then using cold water will give you instant relief. After cleaning the bleach, wash your face thoroughly with cold water. However, do not use soap or facewash while washing your face during this time. If you want, do a light massage of your skin with ice cubes. This will also make you feel very relaxed. Wrap ice in a clean cloth and massage it on your skin.


Aloe Vera gel will give coolness

Aloe vera gel is known for its cooling effects. This is the reason that if you are feeling skin irritation due to bleach, then using Aloe Vera gel can give you instant relief. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe your skin and heal it faster. Take out fresh aloe vera gel and apply it on your skin and do a light massage. By doing this twice or thrice a day, you will get instant relief.

Coconut milk

Coconut milk will also soothe the irritation caused by bleach. Due to this, your skin will also get an amazing glow. For this, apply coconut milk directly on the affected area and leave it like this for a few minutes. Finally, wash your face with cold water.  

Use curd

Curd helps in cooling your skin naturally. You can also use it by adding a little turmeric to it. Everyone is aware of the medicinal properties of turmeric. Make a paste by mixing a pinch of turmeric and two-three spoons of curd. Now apply this paste to your skin. Clean your skin after about ten minutes.

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