Utility: What is the difference between Silver, Gold, and Platinum Debit-Credit cards? Know the advantages!


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In the current digital era, the methods of money transactions and purchases have changed. From online banking, they are offering all types of debit and credit card banks. These cards are offered to customers in different categories with different facilities. The use of debit and credit cards for transactions in the country is continuously increasing. Now as soon as you open a bank account, you are automatically issued a debit card and a credit card.

Select the card of your choice

While opening the bank account you can also choose Silver, Gold card or Platinum card as per your requirement. Most of the customers do not have enough knowledge about it. That is why they use them by default cards issued by the bank. But each card has its own unique features. Today we are giving you detailed information about all such cards. So that you know which type you should choose while taking a credit or debit card. You can choose the card according to your requirement.

Classic card

Let's talk about the classic cards first. This is a very basic card. You will get all kinds of customer services across the world on this card. Apart from this, you can replace your card and also withdraw cash advances in case of emergency.

Silver Card

Visa Silver Card is for customers who want to make the most of their credit card along with complete flexibility in repayment facility. It has a cash advance limit of up to 90%.

Gold Card

If you have a Gold Visa Card, you can take advantage of Travel Assistance, Visa's global customer support services. This card is accepted worldwide. This card gets the Global ATM network. That is, you can use this card globally. Along with this, you can avail of multiple discounts using this card at retail, dining, and entertainment outlets across the world.

Platinum Card

This card is also accepted worldwide like Gold Card. You get access to facilities ranging from cash disbursement to a global ATM network. Plus you get medical and legal referrals and support. Along with this, you can avail hundreds of deals, discount offers, and other benefits by using this card.

Signature Card

The Signature Card gives you airport lounge access and many other services.

There are three types of Mastercard There are

three types of Mastercard Debit cards which are very popular. These are Standard Debit Card, Enhanced Debit Card, and World Debit Mastercard. A standard debit card is issued to you by the bank when you go to open the account.