Viral: OMG! Baby born with two genders but this special part is missing from the body!


You must have heard about many such children who are born with four hands and four legs, or some are glued together. Another such case has come to the fore. This child is born with 2 sexes. But an important part of his body is missing. Even the doctors are surprised to see such a child. 

Every part of the human body has some or other importance. Each organ has a different function. If one of these organs is missing, body processes can malfunction. A child has been born without such a vital organ in Pakistan. Instead of that part, there is another part in it.


This child is born in Islamabad. It is a boy and it has two genders. One penis is one centimeter longer than the other. One penis of the child was 1.5 cm and the other was 2.5 cm. Scans revealed that he had only one bladder, which was connected to two urethras. Because of this, he was able to urinate with both sexes.

But he has no anus. That's why he can't defecate. Even the doctors were surprised to see this. According to the girl's relatives, no one in her family had such a problem. In medical language, this condition is called diphallia. Such a case is one in 60 lakhs. So far only 100 such cases have been reported. The first case was recorded in 1609. But even doctors do not know what exactly this condition is.

The boy was born after 36 weeks and is undergoing treatment at the Children's Hospital of the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. The doctor made a hole in his body through a colonoscopy, with the help of which feces can be removed from his body. He was monitored for two days after the surgery. After this, he was discharged.

Photo Credit: Raising Children Network