World Liver Day: 10 foods that protect the liver


World Liver Day is being celebrated on 19 April. The liver is considered a very important part of our body because it performs the main functions of the body. Let us tell you that nowadays where there is talk of detoxing the body, the work is done by our liver.

The liver works to remove toxic elements from our bodies. It means to say that the liver helps us in digesting whatever we eat. It mainly manufactures proteins and converts essential nutrients into fat. The liver is an important part of our body. In such a situation, if there is a serious problem, consume any fruits and vegetables only after consulting the doctor.
It is necessary to improve the diet to keep the liver healthy for a long time because other diseases also surround us after liver damage. Therefore, if you want to keep your liver healthy for a long time, then definitely include these 10 foods in your diet and protect your liver-


1. Apple: There is a saying in English 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'. It detoxes your liver. Apple removes iron deficiency in the body. The pectin element present in it cures cholesterol, in the digestive system.

2. Banana: Banana helps in treating many diseases. Bananas can be consumed in case of stomach-related, indigestion problems, or weakness. Actually, when there is swelling in the liver, the food is not easily digested. Bananas can be consumed with the advice of a doctor. In this case, only digestible food should be taken.
3. Beetroot: Beetroot is a treasure trove of properties, it is considered to give haemoglobin to blood and redness of health. Apart from protecting you from many diseases, beetroot also makes your liver many times more powerful.
4. Lemon: Lemon gives a great boost to the functions of the liver. Lemon must have come in the form of advice many times to improve stomach or digestion. It is recommended to start each day with lemon and warm water.
5. Ginger: Ginger gives such elements to the liver, which increases its working capacity. It is also a treasure trove of antioxidant properties. It has been proved in research that the use of ginger will keep your liver healthy.
6. Grapes: Everyone likes grapes. Along with elders, children also eat it with great enthusiasm. There are many types of grapes too. Red, green, and black contain essential nutrients. On the other hand, consuming black and red grapes keeps the liver healthy. Swelling in the liver helps in reducing the infection. That's why grapes should be consumed.
7. Lemon: Vitamin C is most present in it. During the Kovid period, the doctor also advised consuming Vitamin C. It boosts immunity. This keeps the liver clean. The elements present in lemon activate the liver cells. You can also drink lemonade if you want.
8. Berries: The polyphenols present in berries keep the liver healthy. Consuming this fruit also increases immunity. Berries contain a fair amount of nutrients.
9. Kalonji oil: It acts as an antioxidant. We can understand this, especially as an enhancer of the body's immunity. Antioxidants fight cancer, apart from this, the health of the liver will also be better with kalonji. With the use of this oil, the liver removes metals like lead easily from outside the body.

10. Turmeric: Turmeric is used in Indian food for its colour, flavour and nutrients. It would not be wrong to call it a magical thing either. It has antioxidant, antiinflammatory (reducing inflammation), and antibacterial properties. This keeps the liver very healthy.