World TB Day 2023: These signs warn of TB, do not make the mistake of ignoring them...


World TB Day 2023: Tuberculosis (tuberculosis / TB) is a disease that can affect any part of the body, but usually affects the lungs, lymph glands, bones, stomach, brain, and genito-urinary system the most. Is. Lungs are the most affected by TB and this infection mainly spreads from one infected person to another.


Common symptoms of tuberculosis include a prolonged fever that usually begins in the evening, loss of appetite, weight loss, feeling weak, and night sweats. Tuberculosis of the lungs can cause a prolonged cough, blood with sputum, shortness of breath, and pain in the lungs.

What are the symptoms of TB in other organs?
Dr. Manoj Goyal, Director, of Pulmonology, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram explained what are the symptoms if TB spreads to organs other than the lungs.

In the case of lymph node tuberculosis, the glands of the neck become enlarged and swollen, which may fill with pus and rupture, causing prolonged pus discharge.

Bone tuberculosis usually affects the spine, causing pain, deformity and fractures, and weakness in the limbs.
Abdominal pain due to the accumulation of fluid in the stomach, mainly due to the feeling of heaviness in the stomach remains due to tuberculosis disease in the stomach.

Brain tuberculosis can cause severe headaches, seizures, fainting, vomiting, paralysis, blurred vision, and loss of physical balance.

Tuberculosis is the most common cause of infertility in both men and women in our country. Apart from this, sometimes women also complain of persistent pain in the lower abdomen, amenorrhea, excessive bleeding during menstruation, and foul-smelling discharge.

What are the warning signs of TB?
Do not ignore these warning signs of TB

-Persistent cough for two weeks or more: If the cough persists for 15-20 days, further tests for TB should be done.

-Coughing up blood or mucus: This is also another dangerous sign of TB. The appearance of this sign means that your lungs have been infected with this deadly -disease.

-Weakness: You keep feeling weak with a cough and fever for several days without any reason. So it can also be a sign of tuberculosis.

-Exhaustion: Lack of energy and terrible exhaustion are also symptoms of this disease.
Weight loss: Sudden loss of weight can also be a sign of this disease.

-Loss of appetite: TB patients lose their appetite and do not feel like eating food even after not eating anything for several hours.

-Fever: TB patients often have a fever at night. If you are also experiencing such signs, see a doctor without delay.
Sweating at night: Among the many symptoms of TB, people should pay special attention to this one symptom.

-Shortness of breath: Shortness of breath is a common symptom of many respiratory diseases. Because TB also usually affects the lungs, having these symptoms can mean that your lung health is getting worse.


What is the treatment of TB?
Dr. Manoj Goyal said that the facility for diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis is widely available at DOTS centers free of cost. The government also provides incentives to tuberculosis patients, so we must not ignore any symptoms or try to hide them when we are affected by this disease. On the contrary, get an immediate test done and start treatment as soon as possible after the disease is confirmed. TB is completely curable and TB can be eradicated, but this can happen only with the participation of all at the community level.