Aadhar Card: Name can be updated only twice in life, know these rules related to Aadhar Card

Aadhar card has become one of the important documents of Indian people. It is also important to update the Aadhar card. Now people have a chance to get it updated for free.
The government has given the opportunity to update the Aadhaar card issued ten years ago for free. Do you know how many times Aadhaar card can be updated? Otherwise today we are going to give you information about it. Limits have been set for updating information in Aadhaar card. People have a chance to update the name in Aadhaar card twice in their life.
There is a chance to update the date of birth and gender only once. Today, Aadhar card is used in almost all government schemes. In its absence, many of your works may get stuck. It is very important for an Indian citizen to have Aadhar Card.