If you receive this text message on your phone, delete it immediately


Text Message:  You may receive many types of messages on your phone every day, your inbox may be full of these messages, however, you may not know that some of these messages can prove to be dangerous. Some messages can empty your account. You need to avoid these messages.


Pre-approved loan

Many times you get a message that a certain bank is giving you a loan and for this, you will not need any documentation etc. If you also get such messages on your phone, then it is better to ignore them and delete them because if you respond to them, then there is a high possibility that you may be defrauded.

Bank offer scam

You may also receive messages in which you are told that you will get a big benefit by opening a bank account or by taking a scheme. If this is happening to you, then believe me, you should ignore them.

Instant Cash Loan

If you are being offered an instant cash loan by the bank and a very easy process is being told for this, then this is a matter of concern because the message being sent to you doesn't need to be coming from a verified source, there may be a conspiracy behind it.

The point of sharing OTP

If you have received any such message asking you to share OTP, then do not make the mistake of doing so as it can lead to a loss of lakhs and the money kept in your bank account can vanish in a moment.

Text Message:  You may receive many types of messages on your phone every day, your inbox may be full of these messages, however, you may not know that some of these messages can prove to be dangerous. Some messages can empty your account. You need to avoid these messages.

Pre-approved loan

Many times you get a message that a certain bank is giving you a loan and for this, you will not need any documentation etc. If you also get such messages on your phone, then it is better to ignore them and delete them because if you respond to them, then there is a high possibility that you may be defrauded.

Bank offer scam

You may also receive messages in which you are told that you will get a big benefit by opening a bank account or by taking a scheme. If this is happening to you, then believe me, you should ignore them.

Instant Cash Loan

If you are being offered an instant cash loan by the bank and a very easy process is being told for this, then this is a matter of concern because the message being sent to you doesn't need to be coming from a verified source, there may be a conspiracy behind it.

The point of sharing OTP

If you have received any such message asking you to share OTP, then do not make the mistake of doing so as it can lead to a loss of lakhs and the money kept in your bank account can vanish in a moment.