Photos sent on WhatsApp will not open without a password, here is an easy way!
WhatsApp keeps its users' messages end-to-end encrypted, which means that the messages you send cannot be read by anyone other than you or the receiver. However, if someone gets hold of your phone or the phone receiving the messages, he or she can see your messages or photos. If you want only the recipient can see the photo sent by you and no one else except him, then you can lock the sent photo with a password. After this, the person receiving the photo can open that photo only with the correct password given by you. Yes, it is possible and the way to do it is also very easy.
Here we are going to tell you an easy way to share your photos on WhatsApp by encrypting them with a password.
Locking a photo after converting it to a PDF
In this method, we will convert an image into a password-encrypted PDF. The method to encrypt and then share the image is as follows:
1. First of all, search for a good 'Image to PDF' converter app on the Play Store of your Android phone and download it. There are thousands of such apps on the Play Store, one of which is the 'Image to PDF - PDF Maker' app from DLM Infosoft developer.
2. Now inside the app, you have to tap on the '+' button at the bottom, after which you will see two options - 'Gallery' and 'Camera'.
3. If you want to take a picture from the gallery, then you will have to tap on 'Gallery'. If you want to directly take a picture and convert it into a PDF, then tap on 'Camera'.
4. After choosing the gallery option, your gallery will appear in front of you, from which you have to select the photo to be sent and tap on the 'Done' button above.
5. Now you will see three buttons on the top right, the middle one (with red graphics) is the button to create a PDF. You have to tap on it.
6. Now you have to name the PDF and put a 'tick' on the 'Password Protection' button below it. By doing this, an extra option will open, whose name will be 'PDF Password'. You will have to enter a password of your choice here.
7. Now you have to tap on the 'OK' button below, after which your PDF file will be created.
8. Now you have to tap on the share button on the right side of the file and select WhatsApp from the app list.
9. As soon as you select WhatsApp, your WhatsApp contact list will appear in front of you. You choose the person to whom you want to send this photo.
Note: You need to remember the password you entered and provide this password to the user to whom you have sent the image (in PDF form) so that the receiver can open the PDF file.