Tech: Does your data also expire immediately? So try these tips to save mobile data!


PC: tv9hindi

In recent times, more than half of the work has shifted online, be it online tests, exams or even online shopping, making people highly dependent on the internet. The absence of internet connectivity on smartphones can pose significant challenges. Often, users run out of data quickly, leaving them glued to their phones while working. Therefore, so that you do not face such problems, we will tell you what causes your internet to end so quickly. Not only this, how can you fix this problem?

Why does the internet end so quickly?

The main reason for the fast internet drain is the automatic update setting of apps or software on your phone.

Apps that run constantly in the background, including navigation apps, shopping apps, gaming apps, or any other background apps that drain data.

Unnecessary use of the phone's internet or frequent use of the phone's camera for photos and videos could also be the culprit.

Data Saving Tips:

Enable Data Saver Mode:

To save data on your phone, go to your phone's Settings, go to "Connections," click "Data Usage," and then enable "Data Saver Mode." After this process, you can choose which apps can use data in the background or not.

Set a data limit:

To set a data limit, go to your phone's Settings, click "Connections," select "Data Usage," and then enable "Data Warning." After enabling this feature, go to Data Warning and set your daily internet usage limit.

Disable auto-update:

Disable the auto-update option for apps to prevent unnecessary data consumption. Go to your phone's Settings, go to "Software Update" and disable the automatic updates option.