Tech: Physical SIM Card or eSIM, know which SIM is better!


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You must have heard about physical SIM by now, but have you heard about eSIM? Most of you may not know what is the difference between e-SIM and physical SIM and using which SIM will be beneficial. Nowadays many users are using e-SIM and some users are completely unaware of it. In this article, we will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of e-SIM and physical SIM.

Physical SIM:

You can use a physical SIM by inserting it into the phone, which has a small card on which your network information is stored. This information card comes with your device so you can connect to the network.

What is e-SIM:

eSIM means embedded subscriber identity module, which you can embed in the phone and it can be replaced without the need for a new SIM card.


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Benefits of e-SIM:

E-SIM is more secure than physical SIM because it is not at risk of theft or loss.

Can support multiple networks on one device, so you can easily change networks without changing SIM cards.

There is no risk of loss or damage to the SIM card because there is no physical object in it.


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Disadvantages and advantages of physical SIM:

One advantage of physical SIM is that it can be used in any device, but there are still many devices which do not support e-SIM. There is a risk of the physical SIM being lost or damaged, such as if you remove it and forget it and never find it again.