Whatsapp working on a transfer chat history with QR code, Know here how its works

WhatsApp is constantly working on new features. Meta-owned instant messaging app
WhatsApp users can now enjoy enhanced convenience! They will be able to transfer their chat history using a QR code

WhatsApp is constantly working on new features. To make the Meta-owned instant messaging app even more useful, WhatsApp has been rolling out many new features for quite some time. Most of the users who use WhatsApp are afraid of finding their old chats when they switch phones. To overcome this problem and make chat transfer even easier, WhatsApp is working on a new feature. With its help, chat history can be transferred from old smartphone to new phone. Let's know about it in detail.

WhatsApp Transfer Chat History Feature

According to the latest report of WABetainfo, WhatsApp is working on chat transfer feature. WhatsApp beta for Android update has revealed that the company is planning to bring a new feature to transfer chat history from old phone. Currently, this feature is in the development phase.

With the help of this feature, users will be able to transfer all the chat history from the old phone by just scanning a QR code. For this, they will not need Google Drive. The screenshot given in the report clearly shows how this upcoming feature of WhatsApp will work.


QR code will have to be scanned
According to the report, WhatsApp is currently working on a new section, through which users can easily transfer chat history from their old phone. With this, users will be able to transfer chat history without depending on any other method. A QR code is visible in the screenshot. It is also written that users can scan the QR code of the old phone using the camera of their new phone.

However, it is not yet known whether the old phone should be Android or iOS. This upcoming feature is currently in the development phase. It will be released with future updates. First it will be available to beta users for testing. Then all users will be able to use it on the stable version. This will make it very easy to transfer chat.