When Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France, the company reacted like this, said- they have nothing...


Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has been arrested in France. Telegram said the company complies with EU laws and CEO Durov had 'nothing to hide'.


Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested by the police as soon as he landed in Paris. According to an AFP report, the 39-year-old billionaire was accused of increasing crime due to a lack of moderators on Telegram and not cooperating with the police. Telegram said that the company followed EU laws and said about CEO Durov that 'he has nothing to hide'.

Telegram's official account posted on X that it is 'absurd to say that a platform or its owner is responsible for the misuse of that platform.' Let's know what Telegram posted on Pavel Durov's arrest...

Telegram post

Telegram posted, 'Telegram complies with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act. Its moderation is in line with industry standards and is constantly being improved. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has nothing to hide and frequently travels around Europe. It is absurd to say that a platform or its owners are responsible for the misuse of that platform. Billions of people worldwide use Telegram for communication and as a source of important information. We are waiting for this situation to be resolved quickly. Telegram is with you.'

What are the allegations?

Durov is accused of not doing anything to stop crime on his platform. He is under investigation because a lot of crimes were happening on Telegram due to a lack of moderators and non-cooperation with the police. A cybersecurity gendarmerie unit and France's national anti-fraud police unit are leading this investigation. There are also allegations that the app is used to spread neo-Nazi, pedophilic, conspiracy and terrorist content.