Binge Eating Ice Cream: What happens if you eat too much ice cream? know here...


Ice Cream Side Effects: Ice cream is everyone's favorite. What children, what old people, and what adults? When it comes to family time or any other quality time, ice cream plays an important role in it. People are so compelled by its taste that people do not refrain from eating it even in summer or winter.


However, some people eat it occasionally, while some people have the habit of consuming it daily. Homes bring extra tubs of ice cream and store them in the fridge to fix the mood with ice cream during midnight cravings. At the same time, its demand has increased further in the summer season.

Ice cream gives a feeling of coolness in this scorching heat. This is the reason why some people eat 3-4 ice creams a day. But perhaps they are unaware that excessive consumption of ice cream can lead to many health problems. Milk, chocolate, many types of dry fruits, cherries, etc. are used in ice cream, which also provide many health benefits, but you must also know the disadvantages of eating too much ice cream.

Disadvantages of eating ice cream
Gaining weight

According to a report, ice cream contains sugar, calories, and fat, which is not good for health. This increases the risk of obesity and heart disease. If you eat two to three ice creams a day, then more than 1000 calories go into the body, which is enough to increase weight. Giving more calories to the body in a day can make it a victim of obesity.

Increase belly fat
The amount of carbs in ice cream is very high. In such a situation, fat starts accumulating in the stomach due to the consumption of more refined carbohydrates. However, carbs are a better source of energy, so you should consume ice cream in moderation.

Increase the risk of heart disease
Ice cream contains saturated fat, which increases triglycerides and cholesterol levels. If someone has high blood pressure, overweight, then eating more ice cream daily can increase the risk of heart disease. One cup of vanilla ice cream has 10 grams of artery-clogging saturated fat and 28 grams of sugar.

Harmful to the brain
According to research, a diet rich in saturated fat and sugar can reduce cognitive skills and memory power. This can happen even just by eating a cup of ice cream.

Sugar levels can be high
Ice cream contains a lot of sugar, and after consumption of which your blood sugar level can increase. In such a situation, diabetic patients should consume ice cream in limited quantities.


Feeling lethargic and lethargic
Ice cream is high in fat, which takes longer to digest. Usually, this causes the problem of flatulence and indigestion. Due to non-digestion quickly, sleeping after eating ice cream at night does not lead to good sleep.

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