Conjunctivitis: Can black glasses protect against eye flu? Learn by clicking here!


PC: TV9 Bharatvarsh

At present, the cases of eye Flu are increasing rapidly across the country. In such a situation, people are seen wearing black glasses wherever they are seen. But are these black glasses really useful? Does it prevent infection? There is a misconception among people that this infection can happen just by looking at the eyes. So let's find out, can black glasses protect against eye infections?

According to an eye specialist, wearing dark glasses does not protect against eye flu. Black glasses are worn so that people around do not feel uncomfortable looking into the eyes of an infected person. Otherwise, if someone wears dark glasses but comes in contact with an infected person or uses the belongings of an infected person, then he can also get eye flu. 

You can wear dark glasses but do not assume that this will avert the risk of disease. This disease spreads by touching. To be safe, wash your hands regularly and practice good hygiene.


PC: Hari Bhoomi

Benefits of wearing glasses in eye flu

- The advantage of wearing only black glasses is that it protects the eyes from the sun.

- If the affected person wears glasses, he can avoid frequent eye contact. When a problem like itching or burning arises and you want to touch it again and again, glasses can save you from this habit.

- If dirt or dust enters the eyes, then burning or itching is relieved and if there is a problem of eye flu, then it increases further. Wearing spectacles does not allow dirt or dust to enter the eyes.

Do this work to prevent eye flu

Cleanliness is the only way to avoid this eye infection. It is important to take special care of this matter. Make a habit of washing hands frequently.

If you are forced to come in contact with an infected person, clean your hands and things afterward.

Wash your eyes with cold water two to three times a day and take care of their cleanliness.

Avoid going out of the house with an infected person. Don't touch your eyes frequently and get into the habit of using your belongings and keeping them at a different place in the house.