Hair Fall: Why does our hair fall? Know the reason!
PC: tv9hindi
Everyone wants thick and beautiful hair and to get it we use different types of hair products. However, due to the challenges posed by our modern lifestyle, increasing pollution and poor eating habits, these products often do not have any significant effect on our hair. Hair fall is one of the problems arising from these factors. According to experts, loss of 50 to 100 hairs daily is considered normal as new hairs replace them. However, excessive hair fall can be a serious concern.
To prevent hair fall, it is important to first identify the reasons behind it. Understanding the reasons can help find a solution to the problem.
1. Nutritional deficiency:
Lack of balanced nutrition causes hair fall. Therefore, it is important to include vitamins E and D, iron, zinc and protein in your diet.
2. Hormonal changes:
Hair fall occurs due to sudden changes or imbalances in hormones. Conditions such as thyroid problems can contribute to this problem.
3. Family History:
Hair loss can be hereditary. If someone in your family has experienced hair loss, there is a possibility of facing a similar problem in future generations.
4. Side effects of the drug:
Some medications, such as those for cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, and high blood pressure, can increase the chance of hair loss.
5. Hair Styling Tools:
Excessive use of hair styling tools like straighteners and dryers or tying hair too tightly can cause hair breakage.
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6. Stress or depression:
Prolonged stress or depression can contribute to hair loss.
7. Radiation therapy:
Undergoing radiation therapy for certain reasons can also be a cause of hair loss. Although hair may fall out, it often grows back.
8. Products containing chemicals:
Using products with harmful chemicals to enhance or shine your hair can damage your hair. It is advisable to use products with less harsh chemicals.
9. Some medicines:
Hair fall may occur as a side effect of some medications prescribed for various diseases.